You've done the work - 

you've taken the time off,

invested in therapy or counseling, and

worked really hard to better yourself and your mental health.

You finally feel ready, excited and optimistic about going back to work.

And yet, there's still a part of you that hesitates.

Is your readiness clouded by doubt, shame or fear?

Perhaps you feel:

  • concerned about your ability to cope and perform
  • unsure about how to talk about your absence, or
  • fearful of your mental health taking a step back.

Going back to work after a mental health break can both be 

an empowering and challenging experience at the same time. 

Don't leave the success of your return up to chance and circumstance. 

Grab this comprehensive starter guide for driven professionals and

convert your doubt, shame and fear to clarity, confidence and ease. 

What you will get in this guide:

3 hard truths to understand about return to work

6 steps to begin preparing for your return 

1 return to work plan to bring it all together

How this guide has helped other professionals like you:

I now know that it's important to have a return to work plan and that I can inform how that happens in a way that feels healthy and successful for me.

    I realize I am empowered in this situation and can ask for what I need.

    I appreciate considering the return as a gradual process to implement learnings and consolidate the recovery: a process where adequate support can make a difference.

    Ready to return to work with confidence, security and ease?